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Solar Panel Maintenance: What to know after you install solar

So far, many of our blog posts have been about the “gear up” to solar— How much does it cost? How many panels should you get? Which installer should you go with? We want to switch directions on this post and talk about what happens after you install solar. Even if you are still contemplating switching to solar or have already made the switch, it is important to know what you are getting yourself in to.  

Durable & Mostly Maintenance Free

Solar systems last for many years and are mostly maintenance free. Panels are incredibly durable and can withstand the most extreme weather conditions. That being said, there are a few things you should do to extend the lifetime of your system to ensure maximum power and performance. Like any home appliance, solar panels can benefit from a little TLC every once and a while.


Low tilt angle, hasn’t rained in a while, these solar panels could use a manual cleaning.

Solar panels are designed to be self-cleaning. In most cases, average rainfall is sufficient to keep the glass surface of the panel clean from dust and other debris. However, during extended periods without rain or if your panels are mounted at a small tilt angle (as opposed to a larger tilt angle), the panels may need some manual cleaning. There are several professional solar cleaning services available or your installer may offer routine care. If you have easy access to your solar system you can handle the cleaning yourself. Clean the glass surface with an all-purpose detergent and warm water with a soft sponge, soft cloth or a squeegee. Solaria panels have a proprietary, anti-reflective coating on the glass that can be damaged if subject to abrasive cleaning materials. Damage to this coating can reduce the output of the panel. If oil stains ever appear on the glass surface, Solaria recommends using isopropyl alcohol and a soft cloth to clean it. Depending on where you live, it is recommended that you clean your panels once or twice per year. Never clean the back surface of the panel. It is not necessary for proper operation and may damage the electrical components of the panel. Cleaning should not be done on your own. Please consult with your installer or licensed solar contractor about cleaning. In some cases, installers will include cleaning as part of the installation package.

Keep an Eye on Your System

In addition to cleaning, it is important to inspect the electrical and mechanical connections of your solar system at least once a year. Checking for corrosion or other safety hazards can greatly reduce any disruptions in your system’s power output. If your system is ground mounted and easily accessible, you may be able to do a visual inspection of your panels on your own. If your panels are roof mounted, it is best to get them inspected by a solar professional or electrician.

Monitor System Performance

It is also recommended to track the performance of your solar panels. This can be done through the monitoring system that comes with your inverter and/or battery or can be purchased separately. Both Enphase and SolarEdge, two inverters we recommend with Solaria PowerXT panels, come with an easy-to-use monitoring system you can download right to your phone. If you are keeping track of your system’s power output, you are more likely to notice any sudden drop in power which may alert you to an issue. If you have a battery as part of your solar system, there may be different maintenance recommendations compared to your solar panels. Check with your battery manufacturer or installer for more battery specific maintenance information.

Solar panel maintenance is as simple as it gets. Except for once or twice per year, you can just sit back and enjoy clean and affordable energy.

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