Posts in How To
Can Solar Panels Increase the Value of Your Home?

What if we told you that solar panels could also add value to your home? Would you be more inclined to switch to solar? Statistics show that homes with solar are fetching a higher price tag than similar homes without. People are recognizing the benefits of solar and the demand for homes with solar is on the rise.

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Can You Really Save with Solar?

As a homeowner, you can control how much electricity you use by being more mindful around your home, i.e., turning off lights, lowering your thermostat, and hanging your clothes to dry, but you can’t control the rate at which you pay for electricity. This can be quite frustrating for homeowners. There is an alternative, however, and that is solar.

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How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

This is the most common question that homeowners have when thinking about going solar. The good news is that with the increase in demand for solar power and the advancements in technology, the price of solar has significantly declined over the years. There has never been a better time to go solar.

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